Envy to look after you naturally!
Spiritual healer, Pranic healer-Radiesthesist, Naturopath, Sophrologist and also Shiatsu therapist, Vincenzo Riga accompanies you in your step.




Soinsnaturopathiquespourarreterdefumer VincenzoRiga fotolia

Need to lose weight, stop smoking, to look after a depression

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Pranic Healer

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The spiritual healer, pranic healer-radiesthesist uses his energy fluid to relieve you…

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The naturopath is a teacher who helps you to preserve your health naturally

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SophrologueVincenzoRiga Fotolia

The sophrologist teaches you relieving for better managing your stress daily…

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ShiatsumassageVincenzoRiga Fotolia

Much more than one massage, Shiatsu is a technique of care which acts on all the body

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Did you know? Remote consultation is possible !

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Every day, thousands of people around the world are preventing disease and regaining health and fitness with the guidance of natural medicine. The natural or integrative medicine, also called Holistic Naturopathy, is a set of care methods (natural therapies) that aim to stimulate the organism's natural tendency to sustain good health and self-healing. The curative naturopathic « holistic », approach – from the Greek « holos » meaning « all », « the whole » - involves analyzing the state of health of an individual and the appropriate natural remedies according to his situation : physical, psychological, bio-energetic and spiritual.


 practical guide to natural health

 If you want to learn more about natural care, click on the following link to purchase my book :  Practical Guide To Natural Health


With this book you will ...

Discover helpful food for losing weight and reducing body inflammation,
Find ideas to improve your performance at work and in everyday life,
Acquire tools to manage distress, food urges, negative thoughts and negative emotions,
Learn how to develop meditation and a more positive approach to life,
Receive information on how to quit smoking, overcome distress, burnout, anxiety and depression,
Acquire methods to balance bioenergy and eliminate disruptive elements
Develop a path of durable personal growth, thanks to a life hygiene that includes the four dimensions of the human being: physical, mental, bioenergetic and spiritual.


Vincenzo Riga, is a Holistic Naturopath. He is a member of various professional organizations . In his holistic practice he applies different western and oriental therapeutic principles such as: Shiatsu (New International Medicine Center in Bologna) Hygienism (Costacurta, Shelton, Acharan, Carton), Sophrology (Institut de formation à la Sophrologie de Paris). Dowsing- Bioenergy Balancing (self-taught training for over a quarter of a century).







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Equipped with this I am obliged to call a natural gift (Pranic healer-radiesthesist), I have 2 passions in life: Nature and Philosophy. Manager in company until 2014, I was formed in "naturopathy" during 35 years. It is by looking after my family, my friends and relatives which I noted the extraordinary capacity that had the Holistic Naturopathy to relieve the body and to lead the human being to remain in good health.

Introduced to Bio magnetism by Romolo Mantovani, and to Shiatsu by Dr Antonio Monti, I also practice: Spiritual Healing, Pranic healing, the Radiesthesia and Dowsing. I graduated in Bio Energy, in Finger Pressure and Shiatsu at the international Institute of the new medicine of Bologna, and studied at the Institut de Formation à la Sophrologie de Paris. Today, I consult by appointment in my cabinet. I speak French, English, German, Italian and some other languages. My only objective is to help the others get better. I await you with serenity!

Vincenzo Riga


Did you know?



Because they love us, I intervene with our friends the animals in complement of the veterinary care. 

• Digestive disorders (digestion, constipation…)
• Respiratory disorders
• Behavioral problems (stress, nervousness, run down…)
• Dermatological disorders
• Wound healing…

* Non exhaustive list

Small recall with the Net surfers


The information disseminated on this site can in no case to constitute an incentive to leave conventional medicine, neither to even give up a specific treatment (preventive or curative), nor even a diagnosis or a regulation. They are councils in natural hygiene which do not replace the treatment prescribed by a doctor of Medicine. 

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